Fixing denials

Fixing Denials/ RTVs

As a work order processing company we dedicate ourselves to grow your business through taking care of your total processing needs. We have wide knowledge about all the necessaries to update a work order and not only we update all work orders in a timely manner but also we keep close look in your account to see if there is any denials or RTVs.

Most of the time the denials are fixed without any charges of fees on behalf of us. But it might costs losses for the vendors one way or another. So the best thing to do is work to avoid the denials and the denials can happen for a lot of reasons, in short it happens due to missing information or inappropriate bids. We always try to avoid denials and for that we provide all necessary information such as photos, bids with details, appropriate bids, proper documentation etc. However if any denials are available we take the action to fix it right away.

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