Initial secure orders processing

Initial Secure work orders processing

Zion Preservation Services process initial secure work orders like all other types of orders. Initial secure work orders can be complex and time consuming since the work order consists of multiple types of tasks included. After a property is vacant the first thing to do is secure the property and this is initial secure. Initial secure work order’s first thing is to do is change the locksets. Client details are to follow for this. After lock sets are changed there are many areas that needed to be secured as well. Contractor will go through the total property condition and make a total estimate of the states or damages and report to client.

Being a property preservation processor, we go through all the photos and have close attention to every details and find out the work done or if the photos have any missing information. In a initial secure work orders we as a updating company look for all the work done, a property preservation contractor is well aware that there are numerous types of work can be done such as changing locksets for all entry and exits in the property, find out water damage or if there is any water pumping, turn off all water lines, removing all debris, find out if there is any damage in the property such as roof damage, water damage, mold or any other. Contractor has proper instructions from the bank or the client and all instructions and guidelines should be followed for performing a intitial secure without any mistakes.

We process work order and provide PCR and bids and save work orders for client’s review. Our experienced team has long experience working multiple clients initial secure work orders. You can always take a trial with no fees at all before taking our service.

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